Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Make 10 sentences using modal auxiliary
1.       (+) I can go to the museum with him
(-) I can not go to the museum with him
(?) Can I go to the museum with him?
2.       (+) I may use his computer right now
(-) I may not use his computer right now
(?) May I use his computer right now?
3.       (+) My mother will visit my grandmother’s house tonight
(-) My mother will not visit my grandmother’s house tonight
(?) Will my mother visit my grandmother’s house tonight?
4.       (+) We must give you some advice
(-) We must not give you some advice
(?) Must we give you some advice?
5.       (+) He should go to the doctor as soon as possible
(-) He should not go to the doctor as soon as possible
(?) Should he go to the doctor a soon as possible?
6.       (+) I can do it by my self
(-) I can not do it by my self
(?) Can I do it by my self?
7.       (+) I will be there at 5 O’clock
(-) I will not be there at 5 O’clock
(?) Will I be there at 5 O’clock?
8.       (+) She would have attended the meeting
(-) She wouldn’t have attended the meeting
(?) Would she have attended the meeting?
9.       (+) I may go home now
(-) I may not go home now
(?) May I go home now?
10.   (+) It will help you to finish your job
(-) It won’t help you to finish your job
(?) Will it help you to finish your job?

Make 10 sentences with simple future tenses

1.       (+) We will go to the cinema tomorrow
(-) We will not go to the cinema tomorrow
(?) Will we go to the cinema tomorrow?
2.       (+) My brother is going to fix his bicycle
(-) My brother isn’t going to fix his bicycle
(?) Is my brother going to fix his bicycle?
3.       (+) Nia will write a novel
(-) Nia won’t write a novel
(?) Will Nia write a novel?
4.       (+) The teacher is going to punish the students
(-) The teacher is not going to punish the students
(?) Is the teacher going to punish the students?
5.       (+) Mira will drive her new car
(-) Mira won’t drive her new car
(?) Will Mira drive her new car?
6.       (+) We are going to the market soon
(-) We aren’t going to the market soon
(?) Are we going to the market soon?
7.       (+) John will spend his holiday in Bali
(-) John will not spend his holiday in Bali
(?) Will John spend his holiday in Bali?
8.       (+) I am going to have a test next week
(-) I am not going to have a test next week
(?) Am I going to have a test next week?
9.       (+) My boyfriend will go for work
(-) My boyfriend won’t go for work
(?) Will my boyfriend go for work?
10.   (+) She is going to make a birthday cake
(-) She isn’t going to make a birthday cake
(?) Is she going to make a birthday cake?

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